This project is a school building in the Dutch Antilles (Isle of St. Eustatius) in the Caribbean. The building was quickly needed during the renovation of the original school building.
To save shipping cost, the entire building was shipped as flat packed modules of 15 m2 each. The whole building could be shipped in 2 x a 40 ft shipping container, including all additional items of the sanitairy rooms, the furniture and other parts to complete the building.
Flat pack units are ideal for construction projects in remote areas like small islands, to which shipping cost tend to be expensive. Six flat pack modules create after assembly a space of 90 m2 or 270 m3, while the shipped volume is only 90 m3. Especially for larger project, this volume reduction means a significant saving in shipping cost. One module can be assembled with a trained crew of 2 in about 4 hours.
Project information: School in the Carribean.
Remarkable: After arrival on site of the flat packs (shipped in 2 x 40 shipping container) the entire school building including sanitary rooms and air conditioning was completed in only 7 working days with a crew of 4 (with support from 4 locally hired workers).
The temperature on the Island can be very high in the summer. We added extra insulation in the building to ensure a comfortable indoor climate in the class rooms.